Posted on Jan 16, 2013 by Amy
As my night starts to unwind- the kids are in bed, my husband is relaxing, and the house is (well... kind of) clean- I know what I have to do. I open my laptop and start browsing Pinterest. Now, do understand that this Pinterest browsing has been a task on my to-do list for a few days now. I have some seasonal fruit sitting on my counter top and I cannot come up with a recipe to use it in. What is a girl to do? This pastor's daughter, from a family of 6, whose first home was a parsonage has some deep roots that will not allow me to throw these last few pieces of fruit out. The fruit is no where near "bad" but is sitting there without purpose. I must give them a purpose. I must go to Pinterest! It hits me. God gives us good things- in season. When the "fruits" of life are ripe for picking God plucks them from their branches and hands them to us. This all makes sense of course when we begin to view Him as the Gardener. Only a Gardener knows when his plants are ripe. He remember when the seed was planted, he has counted the days and hours since, and he has given the seedling what it needs to become the sweet, plump, nourishing fruit He planned for it to become.
- What fruit has God handed you? They may not be the fruit you were expecting or craving but coming from Him they are perfectly timed and ripe. (Like when I crave watermelon but it is January and I simply cannot have it because it is not in season.)
- Like any hungry child, how often do we tug at God's trousers begging him for a bite of something to satisfy our taste buds? Do we ever have that child-like impatience? Do we ever crave things we simply should not (cannot) have?
- Survey your counter top. What good fruit has God given you but you have left sitting there; without purpose? Don't let it rot from uselessness or ingratitude. If God is the Master Gardener and He knows what fruit is best in what season, than can you trust Him? Are you confident in this? Are you appreciative of what He has picked for you? If so, pick it up. Give it purpose. And thank Him.
Bible verse for thought: Ecclesiastes 3:1-22, Daniel 2:21, Acts 1:7, Matthew 7:16 For more from Amy visit her BLOG
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