
CD - Designer's Gift
With the announcement of his son's wedding, Liam, a world renowned designer of fine fabrics left retirement to craft a bridal gown for his son's bride. After an exhaustive search was made, the priceless materials he created years earlier for this special dress were found torn to pieces in a bin of tattered scraps.
The Designer's Gift is a story that parallels God's story for you. Have you ever felt tattered and broken? Have you ever made choices you wish you could hide? Do you wonder what God thinks of you? This story unlocks the answers to these questions and more.

Necklace Kit - Makes 2 Necklaces
Each order includes 2 Necklace Kits (choose from silver or black) with 2 Necklace Story cards, 7 pieces of artwork (only one will be used with each necklace) and one bottle of glue to be shared. To help us choose just the right kits and artwork for your necklaces, please include your necklace choices (silver or black or combination,) favorite colors and artwork themes in the note section found on the "Cart Review Screen" of this order. We will choose your art options based on this note.
Each necklace allows you to "bury" your needed surrender inside of the necklace as a reminder of how God is calling you to trust Him. Find the full story of the Necklace under the "Story" tab. https://www.ifthenmove.com/story/the-necklace-story/

Each handmade bracelet has a hidden pocket on the inside to tuck a prayer, verse, promise or encouragement inside. Because each bracelet is unique, we want you to be able to choose just the right option. Help us narrow down your choice by choosing a general theme (i.e. joy, hope, love, surrender, perseverance, etc..) and your favorite colors and add those details in the note section found on the "Cart Review Screen" of your order. We will choose some options from our inventory and text or email those choices to you so that you have the final say on your order.

Remnant Flower
Like each of us, every Remnant Flower contains a special and unique beauty. Find the full story of the Flower under the "Story" tab.
Because each flower is unique, we want you to be able to choose just the right option. Help us narrow down your choice by adding your favorite colors in the note section found on the "Cart Review Screen" of this order. We will choose some options from our inventory and text or email those choices to you so that you have the final say on your order.

Additional Art Packets
Each packet contains 10 themed Scriptures for memory. Display these additional packets on your Re:Member Board.

Brave Surrender Leader Kit
We invite you to join us for an 8-week study based on Hannah Hurnard's "Hinds' Feet on High Places" - a classic allegory that is sure to challenge you to look at your walk with Jesus in a new way. In this study you will journey with the main character, Much-Afraid, as she learns the true meaning of surrender, allowing her to find both her true identity while discovering her purpose.

Brave Surrender Participant Kit
We invite you to join us for an 8-week study based on Hannah Hurnard's "Hinds' Feet on High Places" - a classic allegory that is sure to challenge you to look at your walk with Jesus in a new way. In this study you will journey with the main character, Much-Afraid, as she learns the true meaning of surrender, allowing her to find both her true identity while discovering her purpose.

Hind's Feet on High Places
Hinds' Feet on High Places is one of Hannah Hurnard's best known and best loved books. This book is a beautiful allegory dramatizing the yearning of God's children to be led to new heights of love, joy, and victory. Follow Much-Afraid on her spiritual journey through difficult places with her two companions, Sorrow and Suffering. Learn how Much-Afraid overcomes her tormenting fears as she passes through many dangers and mounts at last to the High Places. There she gains a new name and returns to her valley of service, transformed by her union with the loving Shepherd.

CD - Cuz It's Not About Me
At her birthday party, Brit got more stuff than she needed and was still not happy. Whining about what she did not get and complaining about the things that went wrong, Brit pitched a fit. However, thanks to a trip across town with her grandfather, she learned that stuff cannot bring happiness, but helping others can!
In a world where we are bombarded with unending advertisements for more stuff, this story helps children learn to look outside of themselves and find joy in seeing and serving the needs of others.
Family Night Activity resources to accompany this story are available for download on our website under the "Story" tab.

Brave Surrender Leader Guide
We invite you to join us for an 8-week study based on Hannah Hurnard's "Hinds' Feet on High Places" - a classic allegory that is sure to challenge you to look at your walk with Jesus in a new way. In this study you will journey with the main character, Much-Afraid, as she learns the true meaning of surrender, allowing her to find both her true identity while discovering her purpose.

Brave Surrender Participant Guide
We invite you to join us for an 8-week study based on Hannah Hurnard's "Hinds' Feet on High Places" - a classic allegory that is sure to challenge you to look at your walk with Jesus in a new way. In this study you will journey with the main character, Much-Afraid, as she learns the true meaning of surrender, allowing her to find both her true identity while discovering her purpose.

Remnant Flower Kits - Makes 2 Flowers
Each Remnant Flower Kit includes the items needed to make a total of 2 flowers. (you will need a hammer, board, and glue gun with glue sticks.) To see how to make the flower, watch the "Making the Remnant Flower" video found on our YouTube channel or at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vDzbq6CULY
This video is a step-by-step guide to creating the Remnant Flower. This video is to be used in conjunction with the Made Beautiful Bible Study. For more information, please visit www.IfThenMove.com

Made Beautiful Bible Study
The Made Beautiful Study is an invitation to live as the Bride of Christ. In this five week study based of 1st-century Jewish wedding customs, we journey through the customs and see how understanding their past gives understanding to our future. In this study we compare each custom to the journey of our faith as we understand our true identity as the Bride of Christ and our mission to see and serve the world with love as we wait for the return of our Groom.

So Be It Conference Special
25% discount!
This conference special includes:
A Brave Surrender Bible Study Kit &
A Necklace Kit (includes 2 Necklaces)

Haiti Paper Bead Bracelet
Orphan prevention through job creation! These beautiful bracelets are created by Haitian artisans.
A young mother of two wanted to add to her family through adoption. After spending a week at an orphanage in Haiti, she was surprised to find that these children had mothers who were alive, but just too poor to care for their children. She set her heart on providing jobs for at risk parents, so that they would be able to keep their kids because no child should ever be abandoned because of poverty. We are proud to partner with Shelley Jean and Papillon Marketplace.
In the note section found on the "Cart Review Screen" on your order, please list the color of the bracelet you would like. They are available in: Reds, Greens, Purples, Multi-Colored, Black and White and Neutral. If you would like to choose your exact bracelet, please also leave the best number for us to text you pictures from which to choose.

Haiti Bead Necklace
Orphan prevention through job creation! These beautiful necklaces are created by Haitian artisans.
A young mother of two wanted to add to her family through adoption. After spending a week at an orphanage in Haiti, she was surprised to find that these children had mothers who were alive, but just too poor to care for their children. She set her heart on providing jobs for at risk parents, so that they would be able to keep their kids because no child should ever be abandoned because of poverty. We are proud to partner with Shelley Jean and Papillon Marketplace.
In the note section found on the "Cart Review Screen" on your order, please list the color palette of the necklace you would like. If you would like to choose your exact necklace, please also leave the best number for us to text you pictures from which to choose.

Haiti Bead Ornament
Orphan prevention through job creation! These beautiful ornaments are created by Haitian artisans.
A young mother of two wanted to add to her family through adoption. After spending a week at an orphanage in Haiti, she was surprised to find that these children had mothers who were alive, but just too poor to care for their children. She set her heart on providing jobs for at risk parents, so that they would be able to keep their kids because no child should ever be abandoned because of poverty. We are proud to partner with Shelley Jean and Papillon Marketplace.
In the note section found on the "Cart Review Screen" on your order, please list the color/style of the ornament you would like. Stars are available in white or multi-color and ball ornaments are available in multi-color only.

Haiti Metal Ornament
Orphan prevention through job creation! These beautiful ornaments are created by Haitian artisans.
A young mother of two wanted to add to her family through adoption. After spending a week at an orphanage in Haiti, she was surprised to find that these children had mothers who were alive, but just too poor to care for their children. She set her heart on providing jobs for at risk parents, so that they would be able to keep their kids because no child should ever be abandoned because of poverty. We are proud to partner with Shelley Jean and Papillon Marketplace.
In the note section found on the "Cart Review Screen" on your order, please list the style of the ornament you would like: Heart or Bird.

Bracelet / 30% Discount

Haiti Clay Bead Bracelet
Orphan prevention through job creation! These beautiful bracelets are created by Haitian artisans.
A young mother of two wanted to add to her family through adoption. After spending a week at an orphanage in Haiti, she was surprised to find that these children had mothers who were alive, but just too poor to care for their children. She set her heart on providing jobs for at risk parents, so that they would be able to keep their kids because no child should ever be abandoned because of poverty. We are proud to partner with Shelley Jean and Papillon Marketplace.
In the note section found on the "Cart Review Screen" on your order, please list the color of the bracelet you would like. Because they are handmade, bead shapes and sizes vary. They are available in: Reds, Blue, Green, Purples, Green & Blue, Black, White and Neutrals. If you would like to choose your exact bracelet, please also leave the best number for us to text you pictures from which to choose.

Aromatherapy Bracelet Kit - Makes 2 Bracelets

Bracelet Kit

Shelley In Haiti
Shelley Jean traveled to Haiti determined to adopt an orphan she had discovered online. Although she was already the mother of two biological children, expanding her family by embracing a displaced child was, in part, a fulfillment of her compassionate Christian faith.
But when she witnessed the agony many Haitian women experienced when poverty —not lack of love—forced them to give up their children to orphanages, she was outraged.
Soon, a new mission blossomed. As she came to better understand and appreciate the people of Haiti, Shelley had a vision of creating jobs that would help some parents earn an income so that they could support their babies and raise them to become productive adults.
Despite her own domestic challenges and, at times, the doubts about God’s providence that arose after witnessing the devastation caused by earthquakes and hurricanes, Shelley’s trial-and-error approach took hold.
First, she taught a small group of mothers how to make artisanal products that she now markets worldwide. But she did not stop there.
Papillon Enterprise, which began as Apparent Project, now has a global reach. But there were many sacrifices and defeats along the way. As Shelley sought to reshape the economic landscape of a small nation in dire need of help, she also restored her own ravaged beliefs so that she and her family could emerge stronger and with their faith intact.

The Orphan Gospels
What makes a country like Haiti so poor? Why are there so many orphanages? What can those of us from a place a privilege do to help in a country where the poverty seems relentless, systemic, and complicated? Are there better options than building more orphanages to help children in poverty? All of these questions and more are addressed in Shelley’s newest book, “The Orphan Gospels” where she wrestles with the complicated solutions to child abandonment and orphan care in an attempt to bring hope to the plight of the orphan both in Haiti and worldwide.

Temporarily Out Of Stock / Blueprint Bible Study
In this five-week journey, discover Jesus as God’s Blueprint plan for life. From Genesis to Revelation, God’s story is the same, but often the plan is misunderstood because it is difficult to connect the pieces of Scripture. Because of this difficulty, even stories about Jesus can become mundane, cliché or transactional. Tradition becomes our culture, and when this happens, the heart of God is lost in the Word of God.
In this study we dig into God’s Word and challenge tradition. We examine the Word in search of God’s heart and find it in the life of Jesus! When you see Jesus as the blueprint for all of creation, the heart of the Father is understood in a new way – a way that will change everything!

Faith Journal Kit

Faith Journal Refill 3-pack

Haiti Earrings

Haiti Keychain

Bobbie CDs

Beyond Impossible - Registration

Scatter Necklace

Bible - Filament

Even If T-Shirt

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