Themes and Bible Study Choices
Every theme intensionally takes you on a journey to help you understand GOD'S IMAGE in you so He can do HIS MISSION through you!
Our goal is to be “on mission” with you from the time we arrive until the time we leave. We bring the program so that you can focus on your women rather than the details of your event. All of our events are high impact, turn-key, and Kingdom focused. After choosing from our available themes, you will receive a link to all of the files you need for promotions, printing, themes, and song suggestions.
Before Your Event: Leadership Training 2 ½ Hours
We are excited to co-labor with you and to spend time with you and your leaders! In fact, if time allows, we would enjoy sharing a meal, helping with set-up, or serving your team in any way needed. Jesus washed the disciples’ feet as an example of service for them and us to follow. For these reasons, we hope for the opportunity to minister to you before we speak.
Our first stop is a special training time with your leaders. By arriving early and spending time with your leaders, we seek to develop more than an event. This time will enable us to cast vision, clarify the mission, and establish goals for your team’s engagement during and after the event. We will intentionally unpack some of the following topics: “What It Looks Like To Be On Kingdom Mission,” “Why Spiritual Warfare Isn’t Just For Paid Staff,” and “Overcoming the Ministry Blur.” We want you and your leaders to be recharged and inspired in ministry.
In addition to our time together we have recorded some short LEADERSHIP THOUGHTS FOR WOMEN to help encourage you and your leaders. Sharing these videos with your team prior to our arrival will help prepare your women for our time together.
The Main Event: Time With Your Women 5 -7 Hours
The main event is open to all women. During this time we provide three messages complete with discussion questions, an allegorical story, a message activity for personal application and a time for response. These elements are carefully sculpted to create optimal teaching for auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. In addition to reaching every learning style, we are also intentional to teach in a way that will both challenge mature Christians and engage new believers and seekers.
To see specific details about each theme, click on the description below:
After the Event: Bible Studies & Intentional Discipleship
After we leave the work continues. Although events are great reminders of the mission, they can never take the place of the ministry that happens day in and day out among your women. Our prayer is for your ministry to grow exponentially. The best way to grow God's Kingdom is through intentional discipleship relationships that continue from one generation to the next. One of the best places to find a woman to walk beside in a discipleship relationship is in a small group Bible study, so we have created follow up studies for each conference theme.