"Blueprint" Theme
Blueprints have been used since 1842 to replicate the details of a project so that each person involved understood the overall design. In the same way, God’s plan for the restoration of creation has a Blueprint – Jesus. God’s plan becomes alive in us as and all of creation as we follow the Blueprint He gave us in the life of His Son.
Theme Verse: Ephesians 1.9-10 (NTE)
“…he has made known to us the secret of his purpose, just as he wanted it to be and set it forward in him as a blueprint for when the time was ripe. His plan was to sum up the whole cosmos in the king [Jesus] – yes, everything in heaven and on earth, in him.”
In this conference we will be sharing real stories from the life of Shelley Jean, founder of Papillon Enterprise. Shelley was a young mother of two who wanted to add to her family through adoption. After spending time at an orphanage in Haiti, she was surprised to find that many of the orphans had mothers who were alive, but just too poor to care for their children. She set her heart on providing jobs for at risk parents, so that they would be able to keep their kids. Today she employs between 250 and 300 artisans providing a way for them to keep their families in tact. We are excited to share her story of heartache, healing and beauty as she learned to understand the heart of God in one of the most hurting parts of our world.
Session 1: The Two Trees
Our experiences, both good and bad, shape our responses in every area of life. What we learn from others often becomes the knowledge that we respond from. It is this knowledge from a human perspective that prevents us from living fully from God’s perspective. In this session we will examine how we today often still choose to live from the Tree of Knowledge rather than the Tree of Life.
Genesis 2-3 and Revelation 21-22
Session 2: The Blueprint
When God sent Jesus, He gave us the ultimate example of what living from the Tree of Life looks like. Jesus is our Blueprint, and as we examine His life we see examples of how to live the way God intended.
Matthew 4, Ephesians, 2 Corinthians 3:18
Session 3: The Aroma of Christ
As we become more like Christ, we smell more like him too! While Jesus was on earth, there were those who were drawn to the aroma of His life. Until the return of Jesus we have been commissioned to spread the fragrance of Jesus everywhere. We are the aroma of Christ on this earth.
2 Corinthians 2:14-17, Ephesians 5:2, 2 Corinthians 3:2
Message Activity:
In this conference every woman will assemble an aroma therapy bracelet created by the artisans of Papillon Enterprise. In a first-ever endeavor of this kind, we have partnered with the artisans whose story was shared above, to make the message activity kits for this conference. Each piece of the bracelet is intentional to underscore the Biblical teaching of the day, and by partnering with Shelley Jean, we are engaging in orphan prevention through job provision.